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10 January 2007


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Sorry, I like the sketch. But did they really teach you to drink vodka as your artistic muse?


Yes, but then there are those of us who did something like, oh, say, get a degree in teaching from a liberal arts college in Illinois (read that: "a degree we overpaid for") and now live in a far away state without a reciprocal agreement and much more classes and further testing would be needed to actually teach in said new state, so there we are. At least you can do something with your major that is useful. I'm sure your stick fingers are far more advanced than mine. (And to a non-artist, you picture isn't bad at all!)


I like it. I like the eyes. Lots of feeling behind them.


neil: vodka was a prerequisite for attending any class.

amy: did i also fail to mention my degree in psychology and the 12 hours shy masters in psych? yeah, i'm over educated and i wipe butts for a living.

lizgwiz: after looking at this picture, i realize i need a new camera. the captured picture looks far muddier than the actual product.


I like the sketch too. You really are talented! :)


i really like it. you're so hard on yourself! maybe next time just have ONE red bull and vodka and see what the results are. ;)

thanks for the cd (in advance)!


We won't even DISCUSS what kind of drawing I would produce sober or with "help"...

Thanks for stopping by - yes, I want the snow. NOT the ice. We MUST HAVE POWER. That's a given for jammie day.


Hi! Just found you from Guinness Girl; I'm actually impressed with the sketch; the only thing I can really draw well is Fred Flintstone. And, well...that's just sad, you know?


Say, that's pretty good! You should stay up late drawing more often! :-)

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doing it for the red bull

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