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20 March 2007


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Crazy Mary O' Malley shall now haunt my dreams. I do, however, adore your pants. ;


Green Red Bull? This is possible?

All we did was barge in on some friends and drank their champagne. Then I cooked pasta. It was good.


Green Red Bull? This is possible?

All we did was barge in on some friends and drank their champagne. Then I cooked pasta. It was good.


Oh crap, how'd that happen? Maybe I should turn on a light. You know, so I can actually SEE the keyboard.


those pants are so cute!

i abhor parades. seriously. the face painting lady scares me.


Those are indeed happy, happy pants! As happy as Mary is cra-zay!


I forgot it was St. Patrick's Day, believe it or not! Of course, I always do.

You are hilarious.

Those pants rock.



I think that you are funny...you make me laugh!

guinness girl

Ha! Love the pants - and Green Red Bull & Vodka!

I spent St. Patrick's Day as the only straight woman at a party full o' lesbians. Fascinating!


Ditto everyone.

The pictures speak volumes, but the pairing of biting commentary left me with tears in my eyes.

Dang those girls are cute! Their faces are so expressive.


The pants are cool. I love 'em.

But WHY do you hate parades... truly, I really want to know. There must be a story behind this. :)

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doing it for the red bull

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