Neil came up with a genius plan to learn more about other bloggers in the great big world of bloggydom who may or may not be BIG TIME or saddled neatly in your current feed burner. His deduction is: everyone IS someone and they deserve their moment to shine. To be heard. To be discovered. Basically, everyone deserves their 15 minutes.
I commented on his site and much to my delight, Sizzle commented right after me. I will be asking random questions of the most fabulous Miss Sizzle. First, I must start with the undeniable fact; Miss Sizzle might quite possibly be one of the first commenters on my site and for some ungodly reason, she has stuck with me through horrible grammatical and punctuation errors, drunken posts (who am I kidding, most of my posts are drunken mish-mash), and histrionic ramblings. She makes you feel like she is your best friend through thick and thin (and believe me, I've had a LOT of thin on my part.) She's steadfast and true and sadly, I've never met her in person. I hope to remedy this situation one day.
Quite honestly, I have the distinct advantage of reading her for the past 2+ years and STILL have a few questions I don't think I have had the pleasure of reading the answers to or knowing the end sum of them. So hopefully, you'll learn more about her and what a wonderful, kind and thoughtful person she remains to be (since she's all popular and stuff).
A person anyone would be quite privileged to call a friend.
So…I'm posting the Q & A for your perusal; just in case you are a lazy person and don't feel like hitting a highlighted link.
Let the questions commence! (note: her answers are in bold.)
1) Knowing what we do (or some may not) about the history of your relationship with your father; what would you say/do if you had one more minute with him? (Yes, this is such a loaded question and I ask because I have such HUGE unspoken issues with an alcoholic father as well. But WAIT this questionnaire is all about you, isn't it?)
I'd like to think I'd give him the biggest hug ever, tell him I love him and hopefully, that I forgive him.
(Woah, way to make me tear up at the first question, friend!)
2) What is your one biggest regret?
Not being there when my Dad died.
3) What is your greatest extravagance?
It used to be getting my hair done before I met my friend Streets and she hooks me up with a great dealio. I pay $25 to get my brows waxed. Is that extravagant? And my favorite food is sushi which I prefer to eat as often as possible. I'd say that's a luxury.
4) Okay, you may not want to answer this one but I'm going to ask anyway, because I just have to ask. You have mentioned in past that you have had only one big, true "O" and it occurred with the "Tomato." Have you since experienced such a pleasure? And if so, I won't ask with whom (because I do have some lady-like tendencies)
Yes, my first and only "O" was with my first boyfriend who later came out of the closet. (Hi, Tomato!) While he wears this truth as a badge of honor, I'm pretty frustrated and embarrassed about it. It's not for lack of trying! And yes, maybe I need to go to a sex therapist. Because seriously, this lack of O business is getting really, really old.
*This is no way says that my lovers have not given it their best effort. Many have. Some were just jerks. Like that one guy who said, "What's the point then?" AS he was having sex with me. Yeah. You. You're an asshole.
5) Don't even ask why I'm asking this question – maybe because I had a conversation about this very question with my husband the other night and he had no interest in knowing my answer. Why? Why don't you want to know? I want to! I SHOULD know… So, here it goes, feel free to delete if you want to: How many people have you slept with in you life? (If your mother is reading this, you might want to delete this one.)
Slept with = intercourse? Let me count. . . 17. But there was a period where I dated a lot and that number may or may not be higher. Ahem! Thank goodness for oral sex or this number would definitely be much higher. (Hi Mom! I practice safer sex!)
6) Quite obviously, I have sex on the brain so I'll ask this one in addition – where has the most interesting place you've had sex?
Depends on what you consider interesting. And what you consider sex. Backseat of a car seems so cliché…but it wasn't my car and there was a baby's car seat in the back with us. Cramped? Yes.
7) What is your favorite curse word?
Fuck. (But I also say "balls!" a lot.)
8) What is your most treasured possession?
I don't put a lot of emphasis on material objects but I suppose my ring from my Mom (she used to wear it when I was a kid) and my Grandmother's ring. I don't "possess" my kitties but I treasure them and their sweet, spazzy, furball love.
9) What is your greatest fear?
Besides falling from great heights? Hurting people's feelings unnecessarily? Being forced to eat Jello?
Mostly it is that I will come to my time to die and feel as though I have not lived.
(Which is from one of my favorite quotes: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I have not lived." -Thoreau)
10) How many of your ex-boyfriends are you still friends with?
3 "boyfriends" (Hi Dumpling, Tomato and Mikey!) but the number goes to 7 if we include those I went on dates with but never got serious enough with to call them "boyfriend."
11) What is the first thing you notice in a man?
Physically: eyes and smile. Personality: sense of humor.
Also? Bad hugger? Bad sign!
12) What is one thing you love about yourself?
Personality: My sense of humor and ability to laugh at myself. Physically: My four eyes.
13) Do you think being exposed to the Catholic religion at such a tender age totally scarred you/fucked you up? Made you believe/disbelieve in God? (Surely, I didn't make up you being raised Catholic, right?)
I was raised Catholic (good memory!) – Irish Catholic Mom, Agnostic Dad. While I don't think it emotionally scarred me, it did shape how I see the world. I like to think I've taken the good from that and dropped the rest. I am no longer a practicing Catholic even though I consider myself a spiritual person and attend service as often as I can at a church of religious science. I like learning about people's beliefs and feel that we all find our own sense of "faith" in our own time.
I was lucky to attend an all girls Catholic high school. (Thanks for getting a job there, Mom, so we could afford for me to go.) I had a great education there and it helped me get ahead in college because of how rigorous it was.
14) How long have you known "The Fella?" and when EXACTLY did you know you should venture into a relationship with him?
People have asked me this question off-blog and I forget I never wrote about the beginning of our relationship…just that first kiss. Next month we will have been together for six months. Originally when we met (on line, via a locals dating site) we were both not looking for something "serious" so we said we were "casually dating." A few days after meeting, I received a text from him saying, "Save me from casual dating." Apparently he was out on a date that wasn't going so well. I later explained that while I wanted to be supportive, I didn't actually want to receive texts while he was on a date with someone else. It was probably then that I realized I kind of wanted him all to myself. That there was something promising between us. That I wanted at least a shot at making it more than just casual.
We met while I was in the midst of a bad heartbreak and he actually was incredibly supportive through that. One thing I love about us as a couple is that we are really great friends first and foremost. We look out for each other, respect each other, and have a relationship based on honesty. There is nothing I cannot tell him. This makes me feel very loved and incredibly safe.
Have I mentioned he's really wonderful? And a super great kisser?
(end gush)
15) How did you come up with the blog name Sizzle?
An ex of mine used to call me "Sizzle." And while he is not one of the three I am still friends with (for good reason!), he did leave me with this parting gift. Much better than leaving me with an STD, dontcha think?
16) You have mentioned your desire to not push out a kidlet or two. After reading what a wonderful relationship you have with Finn, I wonder if you would reconsider this decision if the right moment presented itself? Planned or unplanned.
I will tell you, I'm not so keen on the whole carrying the baby around for 9 months and pushing it out of my vagina. I've seen that shit up close and woah! I am very impressed with any woman who has given birth or who is a Mom by any means. I've always thought that I would end up being a foster parent, actually. I guess because I never saw myself getting married. I figured it was either/or. I find the love of my life and live happily ever after… or I adopt/foster a child and they are actually the love of my life. I suppose I should rethink that. . .
I've loved many men in my life but have never had that perfect combo of timing, readiness, and desire to have my own kidlet. I adore kids though. And my nephew is my favorite little tyke in the whole world. I'm crazy about him.
thanks for interviewing me- great questions. i had fun!
also, you're the bestest! i adore you!
Posted by: sizzle | 24 January 2008 at 10:43 AM
Great questions, although you got off easy. Who wouldn't want to interview Sizzle? Now, I'm waiting to hear how you answer YOUR questions. I'm hoping they are very personal.
Posted by: Neil | 24 January 2008 at 11:16 AM
I love these sorts of interviews. Very funny, very personal and very insightful.
Good job.
Posted by: Whiskeymarie | 24 January 2008 at 11:19 AM
This was a FANTASTIC interview GBuns! The questions- fabulous and very direct (I'd expect nothing less from you, of course!) and Sizzle- I loved that you were so candid. Great job you guys.
Posted by: 180/360 | 24 January 2008 at 12:18 PM
I read this on the Sizzle Blog but I just wanted to stop by and say, nice job.
Posted by: will | 24 January 2008 at 12:32 PM
I am learned now. I have always found Sizzle fascinating and hilarious, but this was really really good and interesting. I am saddened ( I am Sizz) that you have only had one "O". Oh my word, I will sell my breastmilk to pay for therapy if it will bring you into the world of regular orgasms. Sending you mad sexual vibes your way.
Posted by: Filtering Life | 24 January 2008 at 03:27 PM
what a great get-to-know ya more post!!!
Posted by: little miss mel | 24 January 2008 at 07:02 PM
i'm so gonna take filtering life up on that deal. send the breast milk, stat!
Posted by: sizz | 24 January 2008 at 07:06 PM
yay on this. Great questions. I am a Sizzle lurker. Perhaps I should start commenting, eh? Great job!!
Posted by: paisley | 24 January 2008 at 09:09 PM
That was outstanding. The best interview yet. Sizzle is one amazing chica.
That reminds me... I need to check out my interviewee's site and draft some questions...
Posted by: LVGurl | 24 January 2008 at 11:50 PM
Great interview!!!
Posted by: punchlinewalking | 25 January 2008 at 02:12 PM
So far, you're winning the award for asking the questions we want asked. We care less about when a person started blogging, then their sex life! And thanks, Sizzle, for being so open... as usual.
Posted by: Neil | 26 January 2008 at 08:59 AM
Awesome interview!!
Posted by: Not Fainthearted | 26 January 2008 at 05:34 PM
But I want to know if there was a BABY in the car seat!?!
*evil, I know*
Posted by: Karen | 27 January 2008 at 05:59 PM
Wow interesting now i know more about you!
Posted by: mrs mogul | 28 January 2008 at 11:20 AM